(base) 08:04 jhz22@login-e-10 ~/rds/public_databases/ensembl-vep $ perl INSTALL.pl -l Bio -y GRCh38 -a acfp -g all -s homo_sapiens_merged --NO_TEST -c .vep Setting up directories - fetching BioPerl - unpacking ./Bio/tmp/release-1-6-924.zip - moving files Downloading required Ensembl API files - fetching ensembl - unpacking ./Bio/tmp/ensembl.zip - moving files - getting version information - fetching ensembl-variation - unpacking ./Bio/tmp/ensembl-variation.zip - moving files - getting version information - fetching ensembl-funcgen - unpacking ./Bio/tmp/ensembl-funcgen.zip - moving files - getting version information - fetching ensembl-io - unpacking ./Bio/tmp/ensembl-io.zip - moving files - getting version information - getting list of available cache files - downloading ftp://ftp.ensembl.org/pub/release-104/variation/indexed_vep_cache/homo_sapiens_vep_104_GRCh38.tar.gz - unpacking homo_sapiens_vep_104_GRCh38.tar.gz - converting cache, this may take some time but will allow VEP to look up variants and frequency data much faster - use CTRL-C to cancel if you do not wish to convert this cache now (you may run convert_cache.pl later) 2021-10-14 23:06:50 - Processing homo_sapiens 2021-10-14 23:06:50 - Processing version 104_GRCh38 2021-10-14 23:06:51 - No unprocessed types remaining, skipping 2021-10-14 23:06:51 - All done! - downloading Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.dna.toplevel.fa.gz - extracting data - attempting to index - indexing FASTA file - indexing OK The FASTA file should be automatically detected by the VEP when using --cache or --offline. If it is not, use "--fasta .vep/homo_sapiens/104_GRCh38/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.dna.toplevel.fa" NB: Remember to use --merged when running the VEP with this cache! - downloading ftp://ftp.ensembl.org/pub/release-104/variation/indexed_vep_cache/homo_sapiens_merged_vep_104_GRCh38.tar.gz - unpacking homo_sapiens_merged_vep_104_GRCh38.tar.gz - converting cache, this may take some time but will allow VEP to look up variants and frequency data much faster - use CTRL-C to cancel if you do not wish to convert this cache now (you may run convert_cache.pl later) 2021-10-15 08:56:03 - Processing homo_sapiens_merged 2021-10-15 08:56:03 - Processing version 104_GRCh38 2021-10-15 08:56:03 - INFO: BAM-edited cache detected, enabling --use_transcript_ref; use --use_given_ref to override this 2021-10-15 08:56:03 - No unprocessed types remaining, skipping 2021-10-15 08:56:03 - All done! - downloading Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.dna.toplevel.fa.gz - extracting data - attempting to index - indexing FASTA file - indexing OK The FASTA file should be automatically detected by the VEP when using --cache or --offline. If it is not, use "--fasta .vep/homo_sapiens_merged/104_GRCh38/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.dna.toplevel.fa" WARNING: The following plugins have not been found: all Available plugins: AncestralAllele,Blosum62,CADD,CSN,Carol,Condel,Conservation,DisGeNET,Downstream,Draw,ExAC,ExACpLI,FATHMM,FATHMM_MKL,FlagLRG,FunMotifs,G2P,GO,GeneSplicer,Gwava,HGVSIntronOffset,LD,LOVD,LoF,LoFtool,LocalID,MPC,MTR,Mastermind,MaxEntScan,NearestExonJB,NearestGene,PON_P2,Phenotypes,PostGAP,ProteinSeqs,REVEL,ReferenceQuality,SameCodon,SingleLetterAA,SpliceAI,SpliceRegion,StructuralVariantOverlap,SubsetVCF,TSSDistance,dbNSFP,dbscSNV,gnomADc,miRNA,neXtProt,satMutMPRA - installing "AncestralAllele" - This plugin requires data - See .vep/Plugins/AncestralAllele.pm for details - OK - installing "Blosum62" - add "--plugin Blosum62" to your VEP command to use this plugin - OK - installing "CADD" - This plugin requires data - See .vep/Plugins/CADD.pm for details - OK - installing "CSN" - add "--plugin CSN" to your VEP command to use this plugin - OK - installing "Carol" - This plugin requires installation - See .vep/Plugins/Carol.pm for details - OK - installing "Condel" - This plugin requires installation - See .vep/Plugins/Condel.pm for details - OK - installing "Conservation" - add "--plugin Conservation,[options]" to your VEP command to use this plugin - OK - installing "DisGeNET" - add "--plugin DisGeNET" to your VEP command to use this plugin - OK - installing "Downstream" - add "--plugin Downstream" to your VEP command to use this plugin - OK - installing "Draw" - This plugin requires installation - See .vep/Plugins/Draw.pm for details - OK - installing "ExAC" - This plugin requires data - See .vep/Plugins/ExAC.pm for details - OK - installing "ExACpLI" - This plugin requires data - See .vep/Plugins/ExACpLI.pm for details - OK - installing "FATHMM" - add "--plugin FATHMM" to your VEP command to use this plugin - OK - installing "FATHMM_MKL" - This plugin requires data - See .vep/Plugins/FATHMM_MKL.pm for details - OK - installing "FlagLRG" - add "--plugin FlagLRG" to your VEP command to use this plugin - OK - installing "FunMotifs" - add "--plugin FunMotifs" to your VEP command to use this plugin - OK - installing "G2P" - This plugin requires data - See .vep/Plugins/G2P.pm for details - OK - installing "GO" - add "--plugin GO" to your VEP command to use this plugin - OK - installing "GeneSplicer" - This plugin requires installation - See .vep/Plugins/GeneSplicer.pm for details - OK - installing "Gwava" - This plugin requires data - See .vep/Plugins/Gwava.pm for details - OK - installing "HGVSIntronOffset" - add "--plugin HGVSIntronOffset" to your VEP command to use this plugin - OK - installing "LD" - add "--plugin LD,[options]" to your VEP command to use this plugin - OK - installing "LOVD" - add "--plugin LOVD" to your VEP command to use this plugin - OK - installing "LoF" - This plugin requires installation - This plugin requires data - See .vep/Plugins/LoF.pm for details - OK - installing "LoFtool" - This plugin requires data - See .vep/Plugins/LoFtool.pm for details - OK - installing "LocalID" - add "--plugin LocalID" to your VEP command to use this plugin - OK - installing "MPC" - This plugin requires data - See .vep/Plugins/MPC.pm for details - OK - installing "MTR" - This plugin requires data - See .vep/Plugins/MTR.pm for details - OK - installing "Mastermind" - add "--plugin Mastermind" to your VEP command to use this plugin - OK - installing "MaxEntScan" - This plugin requires installation - See .vep/Plugins/MaxEntScan.pm for details - OK - installing "NearestExonJB" - add "--plugin NearestExonJB" to your VEP command to use this plugin - OK - installing "NearestGene" - add "--plugin NearestGene" to your VEP command to use this plugin - OK - installing "PON_P2" - add "--plugin PON_P2" to your VEP command to use this plugin - OK - installing "Phenotypes" - This plugin requires data - See .vep/Plugins/Phenotypes.pm for details - OK - installing "PostGAP" - add "--plugin PostGAP" to your VEP command to use this plugin - OK - installing "ProteinSeqs" - add "--plugin ProteinSeqs" to your VEP command to use this plugin - OK - installing "REVEL" - This plugin requires data - See .vep/Plugins/REVEL.pm for details - OK - installing "ReferenceQuality" - add "--plugin ReferenceQuality" to your VEP command to use this plugin - OK - installing "SameCodon" - add "--plugin SameCodon" to your VEP command to use this plugin - OK - installing "SingleLetterAA" - add "--plugin SingleLetterAA" to your VEP command to use this plugin - OK - installing "SpliceAI" - add "--plugin SpliceAI" to your VEP command to use this plugin - OK - installing "SpliceRegion" - add "--plugin SpliceRegion" to your VEP command to use this plugin - OK - installing "StructuralVariantOverlap" - add "--plugin StructuralVariantOverlap" to your VEP command to use this plugin - OK - installing "SubsetVCF" - add "--plugin SubsetVCF" to your VEP command to use this plugin - OK - installing "TSSDistance" - add "--plugin TSSDistance" to your VEP command to use this plugin - OK - installing "dbNSFP" - This plugin requires installation - This plugin requires data - See .vep/Plugins/dbNSFP.pm for details - OK - installing "dbscSNV" - This plugin requires installation - This plugin requires data - See .vep/Plugins/dbscSNV.pm for details - OK - installing "gnomADc" - add "--plugin gnomADc" to your VEP command to use this plugin - OK - installing "miRNA" - add "--plugin miRNA" to your VEP command to use this plugin - OK - installing "neXtProt" - add "--plugin neXtProt" to your VEP command to use this plugin - OK - installing "satMutMPRA" - add "--plugin satMutMPRA" to your VEP command to use this plugin - OK NB: One or more plugins that you have installed will not work without installation or downloading data; see logs above All done