## assuming you use hpc-work/ with a subdirectory called bin/
cd /rds/user/$USER/hpc-work/
git clone
cd DosageConverter
pip install cget --user
module load cmake-3.8.1-gcc-4.8.5-zz55m7x
cd /rds/user/$USER/hpc-work/bin/
ln -s /rds/user/$USER/hpc-work/DosageConvertor/release-build/DosageConvertor
## testing
DosageConvertor --vcfDose test/TestDataImputedVCF.dose.vcf.gz \
--info test/ \
--prefix test \
--type mach
gunzip -c test.mach.dose.gz | wc -l
DosageConvertor --vcfDose test/TestDataImputedVCF.dose.vcf.gz \
--info test/ \
--prefix test \
--type plink
gunzip -c test.plink.dosage.gz | wc -l
so the MaCH dosage file is individual x genotype whereas PLINK dosage file is genotype x individual.