
The CEU software repository is here, /usr/local/Cluster-Apps/ceuadmin/.

More detailed diagrams on recently added genetics/proteomics and generic software are as follows,

Genetics Generic

noting that the importance of software is purely random according to \(Poisson(N,\lambda)\) where \(N\) is the number of entries, \(\lambda=3\).


The current list is as follows,

  [1] "ABCtoolbox"            "akt"                   "allegro"               "alpine"
  [5] "Anaconda3"             "annovar"               "aria2"                 "augeas"
  [9] "autoconf"              "automake"              "axel"                  "bazel"
 [13] "bcftools"              "Beagle"                "bedops"                "bedtools2"
 [17] "bgen"                  "biobank"               "blat"                  "boltlmm"
 [21] "boost"                 "brotli"                "busybox"               "CaVEMaN"
 [25] "CAVIAR"                "CAVIARBF"              "ccal"                  "circos"
 [29] "citeproc"              "cmake"                 "cppunit"               "crossmap"
 [33] "crux"                  "cryptsetup"            "Cytoscape"             "deno"
 [37] "DEPICT"                "device-mapper"         "diann"                 "DjVuLibre"
 [41] "docbook2X"             "docker"                "DosageConverter"       "dotnet"
 [45] "Eagle"                 "enchant"               "ensembl-vep"           "exiv2"
 [49] "exomeplus"             "expat"                 "FastQTL"               "fcGENE"
 [53] "ffmpeg"                "fgwas"                 "findlib"               "finemap"
 [57] "FlashLFQ"              "fossil"                "fpc"                   "fraposa_pgsc"
 [61] "freesurfer"            "fribidi"               "GARFIELD"              "gatk"
 [65] "gcta"                  "gdal"                  "gdc"                   "geany"
 [69] "GEM"                   "GEMMA"                 "Genotype-Harmonizer"   "gettext"
 [73] "gh"                    "ghc"                   "ghostscript"           "git"
 [77] "git-extras"            "GitKraken"             "glib"                  "glibc"
 [81] "globusconnectpersonal" "glpk"                  "gmp"                   "gnutls"
 [85] "go"                    "googletest"            "graphene"              "GraphicsMagick"
 [89] "GreenAlgorithms4HPC"   "gsl"                   "gtk+"                  "gtksourceview"
 [93] "gtool"                 "hivex"                 "hpg"                   "htslib"
 [97] "hunspell"              "icu"                   "ImageJ"                "ImageMagick"
[101] "impute"                "JabRef"                "JAGS"                  "jq"
[105] "json-c"                "KentUtils"             "KING"                  "krb5"
[109] "lapack"                "ldc2"                  "ldsc"                  "LDstore"
[113] "LEMMA"                 "libcares"              "libgit2"               "libglvnd"
[117] "libiconv"              "libidn2"               "libntlm"               "libpng"
[121] "libseccomp"            "libsodium"             "libssh"                "libssh2"
[125] "libuv"                 "libxml2"               "libxslt"               "locuszoom"
[129] "LVM2"                  "MAGENTA"               "magma"                 "Mango"
[133] "Mega2"                 "metal"                 "MetaMorpheus"          "MONSTER"
[137] "MORGAN"                "MR-MEGA"               "msamanda"              "MsCAVIAR"
[141] "msms"                  "nano"                  "ncbi-vdb"              "ncurses"
[145] "netbeans"              "nettle"                "nextflow"              "nlopt"
[149] "NLopt"                 "node"                  "nspr"                  "ntlm"
[153] "ocaml"                 "oniguruma"             "opam"                  "openjdk"
[157] "OpenMS"                "openssh"               "openssl"               "osca"
[161] "p7zip-zstd"            "PAINTOR"               "pandoc"                "pandoc-citeproc"
[165] "pango"                 "parallel"              "Pascal"                "patchelf"
[169] "pcre2"                 "pdf2djvu"              "pdfjam"                "peer"
[173] "pgsc_calc"             "phenoscanner"          "PhySO"                 "picard"
[177] "plink"                 "plink-bgi"             "plinkseq"              "podman"
[181] "PoGo"                  "polyphen"              "poppler"               "popt"
[185] "proj"                  "PRSice"                "pspp"                  "pulsar"
[189] "PWCoCo"                "pwiz"                  "qctool"                "qemu"
[193] "qpdf"                  "qt"                    "qtcreator"             "QTLtools"
[197] "quarto"                "quicktest"             "R"                     "raremetal"
[201] "rclone"                "readline"              "regenie"               "regtools"
[205] "RHHsoftware"           "rst2pdf"               "rstudio"               "rtmpdump"
[209] "ruby"                  "rust"                  "samtools"              "Scala"
[213] "seqkit"                "shapeit"               "singularity"           "SMR"
[217] "snakemake"             "SNP2HLA"               "snptest"               "spread-sheet-widget"
[221] "spyder"                "sqlite"                "sra-tools"             "sshpass"
[225] "ssw"                   "STAR"                  "stata"                 "SurvivalAnalysis"
[229] "SurvivalKit"           "Swift"                 "tabix"                 "tatami"
[233] "thunderbird"           "tidy"                  "trinculo"              "trousers"
[237] "Typora"                "unbound"               "vala"                  "VarScan"
[241] "vcftools"              "VEGAS2"                "verifyBamID"           "VSCode"
[245] "VSCodium"              "vte"                   "wine"                  "xpdf"
[249] "yaml-cpp"              "Zotero"                "zstd"

These are wrapped up as :star::star::star: modules :star::star::star:.

The original list prior to mid-November 2022 is given below1.


We illustrate with pspp. A brief description of a module is available with

module help ceuadmin/pspp

and the module is loaded and graphical user interface (GUI)2 started with

module load ceuadmin/pspp

for version 2.0.0-pre1. Once the job is done, one can restore the previous environment with

module unload ceuadmin/pspp

Note that module add/rm is equivalent to module load/unload.

Some modules are based on compiled Java (.jar) which can be called directly but it is handy to use preset environment variables, e.g.,

module load ceuadmin/picard
java -jar ${PICARD_HOME}/picard.jar --help

A full list of module subcommands is available with module help as detailed here for 3.2.9 – cclake uses version 3.2.10 (2012-12-21) while icelake uses 4.5.2 (2020-07-30). In particular, module whatis ceuadmin/ensembl-vep indicates usage regarding build37/build38 setup for the loftee plugin used in loss of function (LoF) annotation.

Most software are available for all CSD3 users, only limited by software with excessive size / reference data – which ideally will be available from /rds/project/jmmh2/software but now /rds/project/jmmh2/rds-jmmh2-public_databases/software as a trade-off. These can largely be seen as sources which are used to build the reoository given above.

CEU users will be able to use ANNOVAR, ensembl-vep, OpenMS, phenoscanner, polyphen, KentUtils/MAGMA/Pascal/VEGASV2/fgwas/locuszoom linking internal projects/personal space (additional requests need to be made). A large collection of R packages (1,536 as of 9/7/2024) is linked with the latest R distribution, 4.4.1; there are also 19 packages under R-gcc11.

For CEU users, it is easy to point to them, e.g.,

export HPC_WORK=/rds/user/$USER/hpc-work/
export RDS=/rds/project/jmmh2/rds-jmmh2-public_databases/software
export R_LIBS=${RDS}/R:${RDS}/R-4.4.1/library

or possible to have your own installations based on these, e.g., through creation of a modified Makefile with altered prefix followed by make install -f <modified Makefile>.

The following script tests for loading of dplyr:

export RDS=/rds/project/jmmh2/rds-jmmh2-public_databases/software
export PATH=${PATH}:${RDS}/R-4.4.1/bin
export R_LIBS=${RDS}/R-4.4.1/library:${RDS}/R
Rscript -e 'suppressMessages(library(dplyr));cat("OK!\n")'

It appears clumsy to do these every time, so an attempt is made to have them in a module, namely

module load ceuadmin/R/latest
which R
echo $R_LIBS
Rscript -e 'suppressMessages(library(dplyr));cat("OK!\n")'

For non-CEU users, please drop an email to jhz22@medschl.cam.ac.uk for access.

Module creation

The following example shows how to set up a module,


mkdir tmp-xz
cd tmp-xz
wget http://tukaani.org/xz/xz-5.2.2.tar.gz
tar zxvf xz-5.2.2.tar.gz
cd xz-5.2.2
mkdir -p /usr/local/Cluster-Apps/xz/5.2.2
export PREFIX=/usr/local/Cluster-Apps/xz/5.2.2
./configure --prefix=$PREFIX
make check
sg swinst 'make install'

cat << 'EOL' > /usr/local/Cluster-Config/modulefiles/xz/5.2.2
#%Module -*- tcl -*-
## modulefile
proc ModulesHelp { } {

  puts stderr "\tXZ Utils is free general-purpose data compression software with a high compression ratio.\n"
  puts stderr "\tInstalled under: /usr/local/Cluster-Apps/xz/5.2.2


module-whatis "xz free general-purpose data compression"

conflict xz
set               root                  /usr/local/Cluster-Apps/xz/5.2.2
prepend-path      PATH                  $root/bin
prepend-path      MANPATH               $root/man
prepend-path      LD_LIBRARY_PATH       $root/lib
prepend-path      LIBRARY_PATH          $root/lib
prepend-path      FPATH                 $root/include
prepend-path      CPATH                 $root/include
prepend-path      INCLUDE               $root/include
setenv            XZ_HOME               $root

The module is made visible through environment variable MODULEPATH. Note that there will be permission issue for a user, however, to make changes to /usr/local/Cluster-Apps.

The module files are defined at /usr/local/Cluster-Config/modulefiles/ceuadmin. Most software stay with gcc/6 due to many dependencies of built modules; when required it can be enabled with module load gcc/6; however packages could also require libgfortran.so.5 as in gcc/9 – as a compromise one can amend .bashrc to include lines such as export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/software/master/gcc/9/lib64:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH.


Further information is avaiiable from /usr/local/Cluster-Apps/ceuadmin/doc/ceuadmin.md, ceuadmin.html.

  1. The original list was a mixture of modules and directories as follows,

    bgenix/               impute_v2.3.2_x86_64_static/  plink/                        R/                 Raremetal_linux_executables/        snptest_new/
    biobank/              interval/                     plink_1.90_beta/              raremetal_4.13/    Raremetal_linux_executables.tgz     source/
    boltlmm/              JAGS/                         plink_bgi_Dev/                raremetal_4.13.3/  raremetal.log                       stata/
    boltlmm_2.2/          LDstore/                      plink-bgi_linux_x86_64_may/   raremetal_4.13.4/  regenie/                            tabix/
    crossmap/             locuszoom/                    plink_linux_x86_64_beta2a/    raremetal_4.13.5/  samtools-1.10.tar.bz2               temp/
    exomeplus/            magma/                        plink_linux_x86_64_beta3.32/  raremetal_4.13.7/  samtools_1.2/                       vcftools/
    gcta/                 MAGMA_Celltyping/             plinkseq-0.08-x86_64/         raremetal_4.13.8/  shapeit.v2.r790.RHELS_5.4.dynamic/  vcftools_ps629/
    gtool_v0.7.5_x86_64/  metabolomics/                 plinkseq-0.10/                raremetal_4.14.0/  snptest/
    hpg/                  metal/                        pspp/                         raremetal_4.14.1/  snptest_2.5.2/
    htslib/               metal_updated/                qctool_v1.4-linux-x86_64/     raremetal_BPGen/   snptest_2.5.4_beta3/

    A grep of recent add-ons in the Genetics/Proteomics category is as follows,

    Date Add.ons Category
    2022-10-22 snptest/2.5.6 Genetics
    "" qctool/2.0.8 Genetics
    "" gcta/1.94.1 Genetics
    "" KING/2.1.6 Genetics
    "" LDstore/2.0 Genetics
    "" shapeit/3 Genetics
    "" vcftools/0.1.16 Genetics
    "" finemap/1.4 Genetics
    2022-10-23 quicktest/1.1 Genetics
    "" samtools/1.11 Genetics
    "" bcftools/1.12 Genetics
    "" MORGAN/3.4 Genetics
    "" METAL/2020-05-05r Genetics
    "" regenie/3.2.1 Genetics
    "" GEMMA/0.98.5 Genetics
    "" htslib/1.12 Genetics
    "" fcGENE/1.0.7 Genetics
    "" SMR/1.0.3 Genetics
    "" FastQTL/2.165 Genetics
    2022-10-26 circos/0.69-9 Genetics
    "" bgen/1.1.7 Genetics
    "" DosageConverter/1.0.0 Genetics
    "" QTLtools/1.3.1-25 Genetics
    "" blat/37x1 Genetics
    "" bedtools2/2.29.2 Genetics
    "" bedops/2.4.41 Genetics
    2022-11-03 Beagle/3.0.4 Genetics
    2022-11-08 CrossMap/0.6.4 Genetics
    "" SurvivalKit/6.12 Genetics
    "" PRSice/2.3.3 Genetics
    2022-11-09 qctool/2.2.0 Genetics
    2022-11-10 CaVEMaN/1.01-c1815a0 Genetics
    "" akt/0.3.3 Genetics
    "" MsCAVIAR/0.6.4 Genetics
    "" CAVIAR/2.2 Genetics
    "" MONSTER/1.3 Genetics
    "" osca/0.46 Genetics
    "" LEMMA/1.0.4 Genetics
    "" CAVIARBF/0.2.1 Genetics
    2022-11-11 PAINTOR/3.0 Genetics
    2022-11-14 MR-MEGA/0.2 Genetics
    2022-11-16 SNP2HLA/1.0.3 Genetics
    "" STAR/2.7.10b Genetics
    "" Mega2/6.0.0 Genetics
    2022-11-19 ensembl-vep/104 Genetics*
    "" OpenMS/3.0.0 Genetics*
    "" polyphen/2.2.2 Genetics*
    "" ANNOVAR/24Oct2019 Genetics*
    "" MAGENTA/vs2_July2011 Genetics*
    "" GARFIELD/v2 Genetics*
    "" KentUtils/2022-11-14 Genetics*
    2022-11-20 Genotype-Harmonizer/1.4.25 Genetics
    2022-11-21 locuszoom/1.4 Genetics*
    "" DEPICT/v1_rel194 Genetics*
    "" MAGMA/1.10 Genetics*
    "" Pascal/v_debut Genetics*
    "" VEGAS2/2.01.17 Genetics*
    "" fgwas/0.3.6 Genetics*
    2022-12-04 phenoscanner/v2 Genetics*
    2022-12-07 SurvivalAnalysis/2016-05-09 Genetics
    2023-01-03 Eagle/2.4.1 Genetics
    2023-01-05 GEM/1.4.5 Genetics
    2023-02-01 GENEHUNTER/2.1_r6 Genetics
    2023-03-14 regenie/3.2.5 Genetics
    2023-03-24 PoGo/1.0.0 Genetics
    2023-03-31 PWCoCo/2023-03-31 Genetics
    2023-04-02 regenie/ Genetics
    2023-04-04 PWCoCo/1.0 Genetics
    2023-06-02 regenie/3.2.7 Genetics
    2023-06-06 allegro/2.0f Genetics
    2023-06-19 plink-ng/2.00a3.3 Genetics
    2023-06-26 RHHsoftware/0.1 Genetics
    2023-07-28 PWCoCo/1.1 Genetics
    2023-08-02 regenie/3.2.9 Genetics
    2023-08-06 finemap/1.4.2 Genetics
    2023-09-27 ncbi-vdb/3.0.8 Genetics
    "" sra-tools/3.0.8 Genetics
    "" gatk/ Genetics
    2023-11-24 ldsc/1.0.1 Genetics
    2023-11-30 gdc/1.6.1-1.0.0 Genetics
    2023-12-20 verifyBamID/1.1.3 Genetics
    2023-12-21 verifyBamID/2.0.1 Genetics
    2023-12-27 regtools/1.0.0 Genetics
    "" VarScan/2.4.6 Genetics
    2024-01-08 picard/3.1.1 Genetics
    "" plink/2.0_20240105 Genetics
    2024-01-19 htslib/1.19 Genetics
    2024-01-24 fraposa_pgsc/0.1.0 Genetics
    "" pgsc_calc/2.0.0-alpha.4 Genetics
    2024-04-22 peer/1.3 Genetics
    2024-06-04 pwiz/3_0_24156_80747de Proteomics
    2024-06-09 crux/4.2 Proteomics
    "" DIA-NN/1.8.1 Proteomics
    2024-06-11 crux/4.1 Proteomics
    "" pwiz/3_0_24163_9bfa69a-wine Proteomics
    2024-06-11 seqkit/2.8.2 Proteomics
    "" FlashLFQ/1.2.6 Proteomics
    "" MetaMorpheus/1.0.5 Proteomics
    2024-06-25 msms/3.2rc-b163 Genetics
    2024-07-13 msamanda/ Proteomics

    * CEU or approved users only.


  2. GUI

    As GUI-based programs claim more computing resources, it is recommended that they are only used occasionally, e.g., calling back GitHub sessions.