

The installation is standard and can be found from ~/rds/public_databases/software/locuszoom_1.4.

A module was created pointing to this setup, i.e.,

module load ceuadmin/locuszoom/1.4

Specifically noted below are reference panel using INTERVAL ( data1 (hg19).


Our genotype files are built as follows,


#SBATCH --job-name=_interval_
#SBATCH --mem=50000
#SBATCH --time=12:00:00

#SBATCH --partition cclake-himem

#SBATCH --export ALL
#SBATCH --array=1-22
#SBATCH --output=_%A_%a.o
#SBATCH --error=_%A_%a.e

. /etc/profile.d/
module purge
module load rhel7/default-ccl

export interval=~/rds/post_qc_data/interval/
export impute=${interval}/imputed/uk10k_1000g_b37
export X=/rds/project/jmmh2/rds-jmmh2-projects/covid/ace2/interval_genetic_data/interval_imputed_data
export src=${impute}/impute_${chr}_interval.bgen
export dst=~/rds/public_databases/software/locuszoom_1.4/data/interval/genotypes/EUR

# as in 1000Gwenomes 2014 version with ChrX added here, 1000G/genotypes/2014-10-14/EUR
if [ ! -d ${dst} ]; then mkdir -p ${dst}; fi

function autosomes()
  export src=~/INF/INTERVAL/per_chr
  module load ceuadmin/plink/2.0
  parallel -C' ' -j5 '
  plink2 --allow-no-sex \
         --bgen ${src}/interval.imputed.olink.chr_{1}.bgen \
         --make-bed \
         --out ${src}/chr{1} \
         --sample ${src}/interval.imputed.olink.chr_{1}.sample
  ' ::: $(seq 22)
  parallel -C' ' 'mv ${src}/chr{1}.{2} ${dst}/chr{1}.{2}' ::: $(seq 22) ::: bed bim fam
# wrong since chr${1}.{2}
# parallel -C' ' --dry-run 'mv ${src}/interval.imputed.olink.chr_{1}.{2} ${dst}/chr{1}.{2}' ::: $(seq 22) ::: bed bim fam

function bgen()
  plink2 --bgen ${impute}/impute_${chr}_interval.bgen ref-unknown \
         --sample ${impute}/interval.samples \
         --export bgen-1.2 bits=8 --dosage-erase-threshold 0.001 \
         --set-missing-var-ids chr@:#_\$r_\$a --new-id-max-allele-len 680 \
         --make-bed \
         --out ${dst}/chr${chr}

function X()
  plink2 --vcf ${X}/INTERVAL_X_imp_ann_filt_v2.vcf.gz \
         --export bgen-1.2 bits=8 \
         --dosage-erase-threshold 0.001 \
         --set-missing-var-ids @:#_\$r_\$a \
         --new-id-max-allele-len 680 \
         --make-bed \
         --out ${dst}/chrX


The autosomes() function takes advantage of the reference panel used in the SCALLOP analysis as well as GNU parallel such that no SLURM job is not needed. For both this panel and the whole cohort, the .bgen/.sample (whose bgen+bed/bim/fam ~ 1.2TB instead of 327GB) are available.

A specific handling is made with respect to chromosome X, which does not need a job array; slight changes are necessary:

cp -p chrX.fam chrX.fam-original
# 0       110000305926_110000305926       0       0       0       -
cp -p chrX.bim chrX.bim-original
# X       X:60425_C_A     0       60425   A       C
cp -p chrX.sample chrX.sample-original
# ID_1 ID_2 missing sex
# 0 0 0 D
# 0 110000305926_110000305926 0 NA
cat <(head -2 chrX.sample-original) \
    <(sed '1,2d' chrX.sample-original | cut -f1 --complement chrX.sample-original | sed 's/_/ /') > chrX.sample
cp -p chrX.log chrX.log-original
# 0       110000305926_110000305926       0       0       0       -9
cut -f1 --complement chrX.fam-original | sed 's/_/\t/' > chrX.fam
sed -i 's/X/23/;s/X/chr23/'  chrX.bim

Importantly, we convert all rsid/SNPid to chr:pos as required by locuszoom.

parallel -C ' ' -j5 '
  mv chr{}.bim chr{}.bim.orig
  awk -vFS="\t" -vOFS="\t" "{\$2=\"chr\"\$1\":\"\$4;print}" chr{}.bim.orig > chr{}.bim
' ::: $(echo {1..22} X)


This is the LocusZoom configuration file, whose entries are extended accordingly.

# Required programs.
METAL2ZOOM_PATH = "bin/locuszoom.R";
NEWFUGUE_PATH = "new_fugue";
PLINK_PATH = "plink";
RSCRIPT_PATH = "Rscript";
TABIX_PATH = "tabix";

# SQLite database settings.
  'hg18' : "data/database/locuszoom_hg18.db",
  'hg19' : "data/database/locuszoom_hg19.db",
  'interval37' : "data/database/locuszoom_interval_hg19.db",
  'hg38' : "data/database/locuszoom_hg38.db",

# GWAS catalog files
  'hg18' : {
    'whole-cat_significant-only' : {
      'file' : "data/gwas_catalog/gwas_catalog_hg18.txt",
      'desc' : "The NHGRI GWAS catalog, filtered to SNPs with p-value < 5E-08"
  'hg19' : {
    'whole-cat_significant-only' : {
      'file' : "data/gwas_catalog/gwas_catalog_hg19.txt",
      'desc' : "The EBI GWAS catalog, filtered to SNPs with p-value < 5E-08"
  'hg38' : {
    'whole-cat_significant-only' : {
      'file' : "data/gwas_catalog/gwas_catalog_hg38.txt",
      'desc' : "The EBI GWAS catalog, filtered to SNPs with p-value < 5E-08"

# Location of genotypes to use for LD calculations.
LD_DB = {
  # 1000G phase 3
  '1000G_Nov2014' : {
    'hg19' : {
      'EUR' : {
        'bim_dir' : "data/1000G/genotypes/2014-10-14/EUR/",
      'ASN' : {
        'bim_dir' : "data/1000G/genotypes/2014-10-14/ASN/",
      'AFR' : {
        'bim_dir' : "data/1000G/genotypes/2014-10-14/AFR/",
      'AMR' : {
        'bim_dir' : "data/1000G/genotypes/2014-10-14/AMR/",
    'hg38' : {
      'EUR' : {
        'bim_dir' : "data/1000G/genotypes/2017-04-10/EUR/",
      'AFR' : {
        'bim_dir' : "data/1000G/genotypes/2017-04-10/AFR/",
      'AMR' : {
        'bim_dir' : "data/1000G/genotypes/2017-04-10/AMR/",
      'EAS' : {
        'bim_dir' : "data/1000G/genotypes/2017-04-10/EAS/",
      'SAS' : {
        'bim_dir' : "data/1000G/genotypes/2017-04-10/SAS/",
  '1000G_March2012' : {
    'hg19' : {
      'EUR' : {
        'bim_dir' : "data/1000G/genotypes/2012-03/EUR/",
      'ASN' : {
        'bim_dir' : "data/1000G/genotypes/2012-03/ASN/",
      'AFR' : {
        'bim_dir' : "data/1000G/genotypes/2012-03/AFR/",
      'AMR' : {
        'bim_dir' : "data/1000G/genotypes/2012-03/AMR/",
  '1000G_June2010' : {
    'hg18' : {
      'CEU' : {
        'ped_dir' : "data/1000G/genotypes/2010-06/CEU/pedFiles/",
        'map_dir' : "data/1000G/genotypes/2010-06/CEU/mapFiles/"
      'JPT+CHB' : {
        'ped_dir' : "data/1000G/genotypes/2010-06/JPT+CHB/pedFiles/",
        'map_dir' : "data/1000G/genotypes/2010-06/JPT+CHB/mapFiles/"
      'YRI' : {
        'ped_dir' : "data/1000G/genotypes/2010-06/YRI/pedFiles/",
        'map_dir' : "data/1000G/genotypes/2010-06/YRI/mapFiles/"
  'hapmap' : {
    'hg18' : {
      'CEU' : {
        'ped_dir' : "data/hapmap/genotypes/2008-10_phaseII/CEU/pedFiles/",
        'map_dir' : "data/hapmap/genotypes/2008-10_phaseII/CEU/mapFiles/"
      'JPT+CHB' : {
        'ped_dir' : "data/hapmap/genotypes/2008-10_phaseII/JPT+CHB/pedFiles/",
        'map_dir' : "data/hapmap/genotypes/2008-10_phaseII/JPT+CHB/mapFiles/"
      'YRI' : {
        'ped_dir' : "data/hapmap/genotypes/2008-10_phaseII/YRI/pedFiles/",
        'map_dir' : "data/hapmap/genotypes/2008-10_phaseII/YRI/mapFiles/"
  'interval' : {
    'hg19' : {
      'EUR' : {
        'bim_dir' : "data/1000G/genotypes/2014-10-14/EUR/",
    'interval37' : {
      'EUR' : {
        'bim_dir' : "data/interval/genotypes/EUR/",

where there is an option to use a customised database named locuszoom_interval_hg19.db in the interval section.

We have seen error message Warning: rs114800762 is not the current name in genome build (should be: rs3982708), which is recorded in refsnp_trans table (though the snp_pos does have rs114800762) and we now have the flexibility to mask it:

sqlite3 locuszoom_interval_hg19.db <<END
UPDATE refsnp_trans SET rs_current = "rs114800762" WHERE rs_orig = "rs114800762";

Our call is then locuszoom --source interval --build interval37 --pop EUR ....


It seems unnecessary to replace the snp_pos (~125M) table in locuszoom_hg19.db but nevertheless here is how to.

The following script creates a SNP-position file (~90M).


export interval=~/rds/post_qc_data/interval/
export impute=${interval}/imputed/uk10k_1000g_b37
export snpstats=${interval}/reference_files/genetic/reference_files_genotyped_imputed/
export X=/rds/project/jmmh2/rds-jmmh2-projects/covid/ace2/interval_genetic_data/interval_imputed_data
export TMPDIR=${HPC_WORK}/work

function snp_pos()
    for chr in {1..22}
      cut -f1,3-6,19 ${snpstats}/impute_${chr}_interval.snpstats | \
      awk 'NR>1{
     # sort by alleles appropriate for meta-analysis
       if(a1>a2) snpid="chr"chr":"pos"_"a2"_"a1;
       else snpid="chr"chr":"pos"_"a1"_"a2
       if($1==".") rsid=snpid; else rsid=$1
       print rsid,chr,pos
    awk '{print $5,23,$2}' ${X}/INTERVAL_X_imp_ann_filt_v2_stats.txt
  ) | sort -k2,2n -k3,3n > interval.snp_pos.csv
  sed -i 's/ /,/g' interval.snp_pos.csv


We then examine the schema of built-in SNP-position table from locuszoom_hg19.db.

$ sqlite3 locuszoom_hg19.db
.schema snp_pos

A customised database is thus derived via cp -p locuszoom_hg19.db locuszoom_interval_hg19.db (faster than .save locuszoom_interval_hg19.db inside sqlite3 above).

Now the INTERVAL SNP-position file above is taken.

sqlite3 locuszoom_interval_hg19.db
CREATE TABLE snp_pos ( snp TEXT, chr INTEGER, pos INTEGER );
.mode csv
.import /home/jhz22/interval.snp_pos.csv snp_pos
CREATE INDEX ind_snp_pos_chrpos ON snp_pos (chr,pos);
CREATE INDEX ind_snp_pos_snp ON snp_pos (snp);

We could confirm availability of chromosome X data with select * from snp_pos where chr==23;.


Assuming that our phenotype is $phenoname-$rsid.lz, we could generate a plot on $chr:$start-$end as follows,

export phenoname=$phenoname
echo $chr $start $end $rsid | \
parallel -C' ' '
locuszoom --source interval --build hg19 --pop EUR --metal ${phenoname}-{4}.lz \
          --delim tab title="${phenoname}-{4}" \
          --markercol MarkerName --pvalcol log10P --no-transform --chr {1} --start {2} --end {3} --cache None \
          --no-date --plotonly --prefix=${phenoname} --rundir . --svg --refsnp {4}
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