MultiFactor Authentication (MFA) is mandatory on CSD3 and RCS Storage Services from 1st November 2022, https://docs.hpc.cam.ac.uk/hpc/user-guide/mfa.html.
A common form of MFA, two-factor authentication (2FA), is through Time-based One-Time Passwords (TOTP), https://www.twilio.com/docs/glossary/totp.
19/6/2024 Updatelogin.hpc.cam.ac.uk
is now default to icelake ahead of the 30-6-2024 deadline.
Login nodes
The CSD3 login address is login.hpc.cam.ac.uk
with a mapping table1
Collective name | Node name | Comments |
login-cascadelake.hpc.cam.ac.uk | login-p-[1-4] | CentOS72 |
login-cpu.hpc.cam.ac.uk | login-p-[1-4] | CPU |
login-gpu.hpc.cam.ac.uk | login-e-[1-4] | GPU3 |
gpu-r-[1-9] | Visualisation (viz) Nodes | |
login-icelake.hpc.cam.ac.uk | login-q-[1-4] | CentOS84 |
Additional information is available with sinfo
, scontrol show node
in the case of SLURM.
On a GPU, we have from module list
Currently Loaded Modulefiles:
1) dot 5) singularity/current 9) openmpi-1.10.7-gcc-5.4.0-jdc7f4f
2) slurm 6) rhel7/global 10) cmake/latest
3) turbovnc/2.0.1 7) cuda/8.0 11) rhel7/default-gpu
4) vgl/2.5.1/64 8) gcc-5.4.0-gcc-4.8.5-fis24gg
and can switch to a CPU environment with
module purge
module load rhel7/default-ccl
Our module list is now
urrently Loaded Modulefiles:
1) dot 5) singularity/current 9) intel/impi/2020.2/intel 13) intel/libs/daal/2020.2
2) slurm 6) rhel7/global 10) intel/libs/idb/2020.2 14) intel/bundles/complib/2020.2
3) turbovnc/2.0.1 7) intel/compilers/2020.2 11) intel/libs/tbb/2020.2 15) cmake/latest
4) vgl/2.5.1/64 8) intel/mkl/2020.2 12) intel/libs/ipp/2020.2 16) rhel7/default-ccl
Finally, with icelake we have
Currently Loaded Modulefiles:
1) dot 3) singularity/current 5) cuda/11.4 7) intel-oneapi-compilers/2022.1.0/gcc/b6zld2mz 9) rhel8/default-icl
2) rhel8/slurm 4) rhel8/global 6) vgl/2.5.1/64 8) intel-oneapi-mpi/2021.6.0/intel/guxuvcpm
and can be checked with
module purge
module load rhel8/default-icl
The quota is more readily seen as well,
which for instance returns,
Filesystem/Project GB quota limit grace files quota limit grace User/Grp/Proj
/home 39.5 42.9 42.9 - ----- No ZFS File Quotas ----- U:jhz22
/rds-d2 4479.7 0.0 0.0 - 140409 0 0 - gid
/rds-d4 705.2 1099.5 1209.5 - 955270 1048576 1048576 - G:jhz22
/rds-d2 0.0 0.0 0.0 - 1 0 0 - gid
/rds-d2 0.0 0.0 0.0 - 3 0 0 - gid
/rds-d2 0.0 54975.6 54975.6 - 39 26214400 26214400 - G:rds-jmmh2-legacy_projects
/rds-d2 0.2 60000.0 60000.0 - 275 30720000 30720000 - G:rds-jmmh2-pre_qc_data
/rds-d2 1388.3 109951.2 109951.2 - 5559 52428800 52428800 - G:rds-jmmh2-hes_data
/rds-d2 161532.6 164926.7 164926.7 - 43733950 78643200 78643200 - G:rds-jmmh2-projects
/rds-d2 17636.9 109951.2 109951.2 - 1237895 52428800 52428800 - G:rds-jmmh2-results
/rds-d2 22135.5 109951.2 109951.2 - 681325 52428800 52428800 - G:rds-jmmh2-post_qc_data
/rds-d2 2.7 109951.2 109951.2 - 238 52428800 52428800 - G:rds-jmmh2-genetics_resources
/rds-d2 38909.4 109951.2 109951.2 - 673476 52428800 52428800 - G:rds-jmmh2-public_databases
/rds-d4 0.0 0.0 0.0 - 5 0 0 - gid
/rds-d4 0.2 0.0 0.0 - 5 0 0 - gid
/rds-d4 1.3 0.0 0.0 - 74 0 0 - gid
/rds-d5 0.0 0.0 0.0 - 1 0 0 - gid
rds-MkfvQMuSUxk 63558.5 100000.0 100000.0 - 1373767 51200000 51200000 - P:90608
To reset Raven password, follow https://password.csx.cam.ac.uk/.
Host keys
To establish host keys one resorts to ssh-keygen
; the easiest is to accept the default.
The CSD3 hostkeys are described here, https://docs.hpc.cam.ac.uk/hpc/user-guide/hostkeys.html. From 1st February 2020, the following script needs to be run from a local machine,
cp ~/.ssh/known_hosts ~/.ssh/known_hosts.`date +%F`
sed -i -e '/128\.232\.224/d' -e '/.*\.hpc\.cam\.ac\.uk/d' ~/.ssh/known_hosts
# to remove the entry, try:
# ssh-keygen -f "/home/$USER/.ssh/known_hosts" -R "login.hpc.cam.ac.uk"
Automatic login5 via ssh/sftp can be enabled with
ssh-copy-id login.hpc.cam.ac.uk
from a Bash console after one login.
If this is not set up, e.g., with error message /usr/bin/ssh-copy-id: ERROR: No identities found
, follow these steps,
# Enter file in which to save the key (/home/$USER/.ssh/id_rsa): mykey
# Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
# Enter same passphrase again:
# Your identification has been saved in mykey.
# Your public key has been saved in mykey.pub.
The key fingerprint is:
ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/mykey.pub login.hpc.cam.ac.uk
as in https://www.ssh.com/ssh/copy-id. At a specific host, try
mkdir .ssh
chmod 700 .ssh
cd .ssh
chmod 700 mykey*
touch authorized_keys
chmod 700 authorized_keys
ssh-copy-id -i mykey.pub user@remoteserver
Environmental variables can be set inside ~/.bashrc
. In particular when some changes have been made, one can enable them with
source ~/.bashrc
where the ~
sign is equivalent to ${HOME}.
When there is an error 'abrt-cli status' timed out
, one should remove ${HOME}/.cache and relogin/source .bashrc.
It is useful to note that it is preferable to put an alias
alias ssh='ssh -q -X $@'
into ${HOME}/.bashrc
in case a remote login is necessary (e.g., faster login to CSD3 or there is poor local network connection).
The following information is helpful, https://www.scm.com/doc/Installation/Remote_GUI.html
Login-Web Interface
Address: https://login-web.hpc.cam.ac.uk/ (User Guide)
The two ethernet SFTP gateways are rds.hpc.cam.ac.uk and rcs.hpc.cam.ac.uk.
Using the GUI on a remote machine
X11 over SSH
ssh -X -Y CRSid@login.hpc.cam.ac.uk
These are copies of files on your ${HOME} directory, e.g.,
cd ~/work/.snapshot
and we see that
daily_2025-01-25_00:15/ hourly_2025-01-30_20:00/ hourly_2025-01-31_07:00/ monthly_2024-09-02_00:45/
daily_2025-01-26_00:15/ hourly_2025-01-30_21:00/ hourly_2025-01-31_08:00/ monthly_2024-10-07_00:45/
daily_2025-01-27_00:15/ hourly_2025-01-30_22:00/ hourly_2025-01-31_09:00/ monthly_2024-11-04_00:45/
daily_2025-01-28_00:15/ hourly_2025-01-30_23:00/ hourly_2025-01-31_10:00/ monthly_2024-12-02_00:45/
daily_2025-01-29_00:15/ hourly_2025-01-31_00:00/ hourly_2025-01-31_11:00/ monthly_2025-01-06_00:45/
daily_2025-01-30_00:15/ hourly_2025-01-31_01:00/ hourly_2025-01-31_12:00/ SIQ-9c7664b34116bede7a4e1b520c0a179d-latest/
daily_2025-01-31_00:15/ hourly_2025-01-31_02:00/ hourly_2025-01-31_13:00/ weekly_2025-01-05_00:30/
hourly_2025-01-30_16:00/ hourly_2025-01-31_03:00/ hourly_2025-01-31_14:00/ weekly_2025-01-12_00:30/
hourly_2025-01-30_17:00/ hourly_2025-01-31_04:00/ hourly_2025-01-31_15:00/ weekly_2025-01-19_00:30/
hourly_2025-01-30_18:00/ hourly_2025-01-31_05:00/ Index-Snapshot-Current-1738321218/ weekly_2025-01-26_00:30/
hourly_2025-01-30_19:00/ hourly_2025-01-31_06:00/ monthly_2024-08-05_00:45/
If you unintentionally made changes, you could call back earlier version.
X11 with OpenGL over SSH (3D graphics)
glxinfo | grep -E "version|string|rendering|display"
ldd `which glxinfo`
ls -l /usr/lib64/libGL.so.1
find /usr -iname "*libGL.so*" -exec ls -l {} \;
find /usr -iname "*libGLX*.so*" -exec ls -l {} \;
login-skylake.hpc.cam.ac.uk, namely login-e-[9-16], is removed on 25-26/7/2023 and is replaced with
. ↩ -
see footnote1 above and some capacity is due to retire after 30 June 2024. ↩
Currently, it is login-e-[1-4] (login.hpc), login-e-1 is also the license server. The so-called 3D viz/startgfx nodes are login-gpu-e-[1-7].
They will be retired, and
will be redistributed to login-q nodes. ↩ -
Applications such as R/nloptr package require to be recompiled. In this case, we run
on an Internet-enabled node and compile the package withR CMD INSTALL nloptr_1.2.2.3.tar.gz
, say.On icelake, we could emulate lynx-style web browser with syntax such as
xfce4-terminal -x /usr/bin/links https://www.bbc.co.uk &
. ↩ -
This appears subject to the system setup. ↩