Local web browsing

Advantages of browsing local files as web pages over plain files include improved file formatting, multimedia integration, interactive and dynamic navigation. Suppose for instance our directory contains a README.md (as in a GitHub repository) which can be converted to README.html via pandoc, then we can browse our directory as files + web page with README.html (allowing for explicit file download), or a web page when index.html is created as a symbolic link to README.html (files are invisible unless explicit links are given inside).

To proceed, we first start the web service, which is simply done (through the default Python 3.6.8) as follows:

python3 -m http.server 8080 &

assuming port number 8080 is available, e.g. lsof -i :8080 gives no output.

The firefox browser available at /usr/bin/firefox is dysfunctional, so several alternatives are described below.


We are then capable to work with ceuadmin/chromium:

module load ceuadmin/chromium
chrome http://localhost:8080 &

It might be helpful to clear browse history when chrome is repeatedly used, or to start a new profile, e.g.,

chrome --user-data-dir=/tmp/jhz22 http://localhost:8080 &

Microsoft Edge

This is also ready to use,

module load ceuadmin/edge
edge http://localhost:8080 &

where the customized edge works properly, unlike its aliases microsoft-edge and microsoft-edge-stable. Note further that the option --user-data-dir also applies since it is also based on Chromium.


This is an earlier attempt but somewhat clumsy.

module load ceuadmin/Cytoscape/3.9.1
Cytoscape &

using Tools –> Open web page for