This is part of the Kent utilities in module kentutils-302.1-gcc-5.4.0-kbiujaa
nevertheless without the appropriate chain file.
To download the latest utilitiess, try rsync -aP rsync:// ./
The most notable is liftOver from UCSC here,
bigWig utilities
This is used to view bigWig file, e.g.,
bigWigToBedGraph -chrom=chr1 -start=11200 -end=20000 chr1:11200-20000.txt
A toy example
Suppose we have r6-b38-A2.bed
#CHROM start end SNP
chr1 841851 841852 1:841852:C:T
chr1 856472 856473 1:856473:G:A
chr1 858951 858952 1:858952:G:A
chr1 859841 859842 1:859842:C:G
chr1 863420 863421 1:863421:G:A
chr1 863578 863579 1:863579:G:A
chr1 864118 864119 1:864119:T:C
chr1 866155 866156 1:866156:T:G
chr1 866280 866281 1:866281:C:T
To convert back to b37, our syntax is as follows,
liftOver r6-b38-A2.bed hg38ToHg19.over.chain.gz r6-b37-A2.bed r6-b37-A2.unlifted.bed
with r6-b37-A2.bed
containing these lines,
chr1 777231 777232 1:841852:C:T
chr1 791852 791853 1:856473:G:A
chr1 794331 794332 1:858952:G:A
chr1 795221 795222 1:859842:C:G
chr1 798800 798801 1:863421:G:A
chr1 798958 798959 1:863579:G:A
chr1 799498 799499 1:864119:T:C
chr1 801535 801536 1:866156:T:G
chr1 801660 801661 1:866281:C:T
A real application
The first few lines of our input file, gtex_cis_etls_alltissues_b38.gz
, are listed as follows,
gene_id num_var beta_shape1 beta_shape2 true_df pval_true_df chr pos ref alt tss_distance minor_allele_samples minor_allele_count maf ref_factor pval_nominal slope slope_se pval_perm pval_beta rank tissue SNP
ENSG00000227232.5 1364 1.02984 294.487 455.958 6.29063e-08 chr1 64764 C T 35211 70 71 0.0611015 1 1.01661e-08 0.586346 0.100677 9.999e-05 1.32112e-05 1 Adipose_Subcutaneous chr1_64764_C_T_b38
ENSG00000269981.1 1868 1.0494 358.23 449.483 0.000308725 chr1 108826 G C -29139 40 40 0.0344234 1 0.000119525 0.431229 0.111226 0.0926907 0.0917911 1 Adipose_Subcutaneous chr1_108826_G_C_b38
ENSG00000241860.6 2066 1.05338 383.252 448.902 1.40124e-05 chr1 14677 G A -159185 60 60 0.0516351 1 3.65408e-06 0.604055 0.129028 0.00329967 0.00395793 1 Adipose_Subcutaneous chr1_14677_G_A_b38
ENSG00000241860.6 2066 1.0289 396.232 452.737 0.000183718 chr1 17722 A G -156140 19 19 0.0163511 1 7.18231e-05 0.86963 0.217243 0.0625937 0.0642549 2 Adipose_Subcutaneous chr1_17722_A_G_b38
ENSG00000279457.4 2234 1.04051 412.351 448.342 7.805e-07 chr1 599167 G A 403756 50 51 0.0438898 1 1.36949e-07 -0.681414 0.127498 0.00019998 0.000228269 1 Adipose_Subcutaneous chr1_599167_G_A_b38
which are subject to the following script
module load ceuadmin/KentUtils/2022-11-14
export chain_file=~/rds/public_databases/software/bin/hg38ToHg19.over.chain.gz
cat <(echo -e "#CHROM\tstart\tend\tid") \
<(gunzip -c gtex_cis_etls_alltissues_b38.gz | \
awk -v OFS="\t" 'NR>1{print $7,$8,$8,$1"-"$22"-"$23}') > b38.bed
liftOver b38.bed $chain_file b37.bed b37-unlifted.bed
cat <(echo -e "#CHROM\tpos37\t" | paste - <(gunzip -c gtex_cis_etls_alltissues_b38.gz | head -1)) \
<(awk '{print $4,$1,$2,$3}' b37.bed | \
sort -k1,1 | \
join - <(gunzip -c gtex_cis_etls_alltissues_b38.gz | awk 'NR>1{$1=$1"-"$22"-"$23 "\t" $1;print}' | sort -k1,1) | \
tr ' ' '\t' | \
cut -f1,4 --complement | \
sort -k1,1 -k2,2n) | \
bgzip -f > gtex_cis_etls_alltissues_b37.gz
tabix -S1 -s1 -b2 -e2 gtex_cis_etls_alltissues_b37.gz
for an output file gtex_cis_etls_alltissues_b37.gz
with these,
#CHROM pos37 gene_id num_var beta_shape1 beta_shape2 true_df pval_true_df chr pos ref alt tss_distance minor_allele_samples minor_allele_count maf ref_factor pval_nominal slope slope_se pval_perm pval_beta rank tissue SNP
chr1 14677 ENSG00000228327.3 4834 1.01655 782.917 245.807 2.03768e-06 chr1 14677 G A -763949 29 29 0.0439394 1 5.55759e-07 0.580304 0.113164 0.00129987 0.00142281 2 Esophagus_Gastroesophageal_Junction chr1_14677_G_A_b38
chr1 14677 ENSG00000228327.3 4834 1.01886 759.054 222.179 1.07156e-05 chr1 14677 G A -763949 24 24 0.0393443 1 3.14814e-06 0.784703 0.164529 0.00489951 0.00733826 2 Pancreas chr1_14677_G_A_b38
chr1 14677 ENSG00000228327.3 4834 1.02493 667.097 121.685 1.39526e-06 chr1 14677 G A -763949 20 20 0.0571429 1 3.69825e-07 1.01642 0.190059 0.00079992 0.000773417 1 Brain_Frontal_Cortex_BA9 chr1_14677_G_A_b38
chr1 14677 ENSG00000228327.3 4834 1.02538 717.947 387.192 1.1425e-08 chr1 14677 G A -763949 46 46 0.0446602 1 1.0209e-09 0.607113 0.0972857 9.999e-05 6.02735e-06 2 Lung chr1_14677_G_A_b38
chr1 14677 ENSG00000228327.3 4834 1.0307 761.357 343.977 1.06967e-05 chr1 14677 G A -763949 45 45 0.0483871 1 2.6754e-06 0.397244 0.0833788 0.00629937 0.00690477 3 Esophagus_Muscularis chr1_14677_G_A_b38
Note that to facilitate lookup it is sorted by chromosome and position instead.